

Latest news:

January 5, 2007:
Version 1.1 released.

September 12, 2006:
Final version available.

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J. Bixbe


jBixbe provides a new quality of debugging complex Java applications by showing their structure and functioning on the conceptual level of the UML.


- Java
- ds-emedia


- Different view levels (top down debugging)
- Display classes, threads, source files and breakpoints (system overviews)
- Display message exchange between objects (sequence diagrams)
- Display object relationships (structure diagrams)
- source code debugging and breakpoints (more)
- Representation of long strings (text views)
- Project management
- Simple, user friendly GUI
- Drag & Drop of object references (more)
- Display object references as links (more)

Use cases

- Perfect debugging of multi-threaded applications (example)
- Good representation of data structures (example)
- Debug large applications (for example swing applications)
- Suitable for analyzing applications (maintenance)
- Learn object-oriented concepts (training, teaching)

Technical details

- Event-oriented flow control (more)
- Automatic resume while watching the application
- Many kinds of event filters (more)
- Advanced debug architecture (more)
- Debug local and remote JVMs