

Latest news:

January 5, 2007:
Version 1.1 released.

September 12, 2006:
Final version available.

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J. Bixbe


jBixbe provides a new quality of debugging complex Java applications by showing their structure and functioning on the conceptual level of the UML.


- Java
- ds-emedia

System overviews

The highest view level gives an overview of the entire application to debug. Views belong to this level are always available and are single instances.

The class overview displays all loaded classes. Classes are arranged in their packages. By using a filter the overview can be restricted to desired classes.

The thread overview hierarchically lists all threads and thread groups. Additionally, priority and daemon property can be displayed for threads and thread groups.

The source code overview manages all mounted application sources. The source files are ordered by the packages of contained classes in a flat hierarchical view.

The breakpoint overview handles all created breakpoints and highlights them when they are reached.

Classes Threads Sources Sources

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