

Latest news:

January 5, 2007:
Version 1.1 released.

September 12, 2006:
Final version available.

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J. Bixbe


jBixbe provides a new quality of debugging complex Java applications by showing their structure and functioning on the conceptual level of the UML.


- Java
- ds-emedia

Event filters

During the JVM execution a large amount of debug events occur, but only a small subset is of interest. The most interesting events are determined by the currently opened views. To prevent unnecessary debug events jBixbe has a sophisticated event filtering.

At first different techniques try to prevent the triggering of uninteresting events and triggered events are filtered immediately after its triggering in the JVM. That leads to a better performance for even larger applications such as swing applications. jBixbe has a lot of event filters which are mainly used by the different views.

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