

Latest news:

January 5, 2007:
Version 1.1 released.

September 12, 2006:
Final version available.

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J. Bixbe


jBixbe provides a new quality of debugging complex Java applications by showing their structure and functioning on the conceptual level of the UML.


- Java
- ds-emedia

Structure diagrams


Structure diagrams display the states and relationships of classes, interfaces and objects. Not only public but also protected and private attributes are visible. Additionally, jBixbe watches all visible variables for value changes. If such a change takes place the triggering thread is displayed. You can use folding to hide non-relevant attributes.

The relationships are determined by object references. jBixbe resolves all object references and displays them so you can immediately see which connections between objects exist. This is very suitable for analyzing data structures.

Adding classes and objects can be made by using Drag & Drop. Clicking on an object reference causes the object to be included.

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